
CRTC Delays The Cap

Fellow Canadians (and everyone else who feels pity for our upcoming cap on our internet), we have made a small jump into correcting this.  Konrad von Finckenstein, the Chairman of the CRTC, has said that the cap will be pushed back 60 days from when it was originally supposed to be implemented on March 1.

There is currently a petition up and running on Openmedia.ca.  As quoted from CTV News, "if the CRTC doesn't backtrack, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Industry Minister Tony Clement will take the matter into their own hands, a senior official told CTV on Wednesday."

So Canadians, let us band together to stop this monstrous thing from happening.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to be charged by the byte of data I use.  Below is the petition going around.  I would like everyone to look into this if they haven't already and seriously consider signing the petition.

Leave your comments on the thoughts of this ban and tell me what you think.


  1. Small ISPs should still be able to provide unlimited internet. I hope they kill the CRTC cap.

  2. lol americas hat

  3. already signed the petition, hoping this shit doesnt go through

  4. Rose, this is actually a serious matter. If it is effective in Canada, who's to say that it won't come back to the States and mess things up there, too?

  5. Setting restrictions on internet is rediculous

  6. They better reverse this! I like your blog, I'll be following.

  7. Anonymous2/04/2011

    Glad we all signed the petition.

  8. http://www.rocksbest.blogspot.com/

    New blog to check out for music lovers. Love your views.

  9. Heard about this, quite horrendous. Don't really know what to say..

    Cool blog however, following and supporting!

  10. Can they really do that? That'll cause a huge uproar surely.

  11. next thing is there will be internet censorship and no more anonymity

  12. ehh doesn't really affect me sooo i dont really have an opinion on it lol

  13. I have friends in Canada and Australia, and I'm not too sure how things work outside of America, but from what I hear their internet is capped on like a daily basis, to where they can only use so much bandwidth a day. I find that quite a bit ridiculous...

  14. Anonymous2/06/2011

    Greed knows no bounds. I've always found the idea of capped bandwidth to be a bit dumb, but this is just slapping people in the face.

  15. Id be devastated with a cap
